Intervju sa direktorom Football Talent Academy programa Filipom Vujićem
Football Talent Academy program je počeo pre nešto više od meseca dana sa radom u Bijeljini, a prvu priliku iskoristili smo da intervjuišemo direktora programa Filipa Vujića, da bi smo sam program približili potencijalnim budućim učesnicima programa.
Veliko interesovanje za sam projekat je od samog početka, a pogotovo se to interesovanje povećalo nakon sjajnog rezultata na prvom Borac Kup, kao i same prikazane igra i discipline tokom boravka u Banjaluci.
Mnogi su upoznati sa vašom fudbalskom karijerom, ali molimo Vas da nas podsetite na Vaš fudbalski put?
Pre svega želim da pozdravim vaše čitaoce i da Vam se zahvalim što ste mi omogućili da predstavim Football Talent Academy Program na vašoj facebook stranici i veb sajtu. Svoju igračku karijeru sam započeo u FK Radnik u omladinskim selekcijama, sa 16. godina sam debitovao za prvi tim Radnika, a već sa 18. postao kapiten. Posle toga bilo je tu mnogo klubova u kojima sam nastupao i postizao golove, a ovi su jedni od njih : Spartak Subotica, Lehija iz Gdanjska, Jedinstvo i Sloboda iz Užica, Podrinje iz Janje, Radnički Šabac, i naravno FK Radnik Bijeljina.
Nakon fudbalske karijere mnogi fudbaleri svoj put nastave kao treneri, vi ste izabrali da budete fudbalski agent? Šta je to što Vas je privuklo da postanete fudbalski agent?
Veoma mlad sam ušao u svet profesionalog fudbala, pazite kad uđete u taj svet bez prave podrške i sami to je teška borba. Fudbal me je uvijek privlačio i uvijek sam uživao u njemu, trenera je mnogo na ovim prostorima, ali iskreno ono što nedostaje bar kod nas je pravih i poštenih fudbalskih agenata koji će pomoći mladim igračima na njihovom putu do uspeha. Možda, da sam i ja imao podršku jedne ovakve agencije ili agenta verovatno da bih dogurao više i zaigrao u jednoj od liga petice, to se nikad ne zna. Jednostavno ljubav za fudbalom me je privukla i ostavila u ovom svetu i naravno želja da se pomogne mladim talentovanim igračima na putu do uspeha.
U projektu Football Talent Academy pored vaše FB Sports Agency, tu su i fudbalske agencije SportsExellence i BEST OF YOU? Zanima nas koji je to zajednički cilj koji Vas je spojio u ovom projektu? Koji je cilja projekta?
Da u projektu Football Talent Academy, pored moje agencije tu su i dvije fudbalske agencije iz Njemačke i Španije. Cilj samog projekta je da mladim i talentovanim igračima pružimo najkvalitetniji mogući rad sa najboljim igračima u njihovom uzrastu iz okruženja. Pored kvalitetnog rada, igračima koji budu dio ovog projekta omogući ćemo odlaske na najkvalitetnija takmičenja u regionu, jer to je od glavnih preduslova da bi mladi igrači napredovali i postali bolji. Naravno, pružićemo priliku najboljima da svojoj talenat prikažu na mnogim evropskim kampovima. Na kraju ono što je najvažnije i što je generalni cilj ovog projekta jeste kompletno vođenje fudbalske karijere od strane fudbalske agencije FB Sports Agency. Sve probleme i poteškoće koje su do sad imali roditelji i mladi igrači, rešavaće agencija i preuzimati na sebe, tako da sam siguran da je ovaj projekat nešto što je potrebno na ovim prostorima. Pored saradnik iz Bosne i Hercegovine u sam rad projekta biće uključeni spoljni saradnici iz inostranstva iz pomenutih agencija u vidu mentora, oni ovaj projekat godina sprovode u svojim zemljama, veoma uspešno.
Projekat je počeo sa radom u Bijeljini, a za saradnike ste odabrali dve škole fudbala iz Bijeljine ŠF Nacional i ŠF United. Da li je projekat zatvoren za djecu iz ostalih škola fudbala i da li su trenutni saradnici i stalni saradnici u projektu?
Projekat je otvorenog karaktera i u njega su dobrodošli svi mladi igrači 2012. godišta i 2013. godišta iz Bosne i Hercegovine, Srbije i Hrvatske. Naravno, samo najtaletovaniji će imati priliku da učestvuju u projektu i da koriste sve benefite. Vjerujte mi interesovanje je veliko, javljaju se ljudi svakodnevno iz Bosne i Hercegovine, Srbije, pa i Hrvatske u želji da se bliže upoznaju sa projektom, a i da svoju djecu dovedu na otvorene treninge programa. U program su uključenje i dvije škole fudbala iz Bijeljine United i Nacional i njihovi treneri Boriša Bodiroga UEFA A, Dalibor Mičić prof. Fizičkog vaspitanja i Dragan Krstanović UEFA B, koji pored mnoštva iskustva u radu sa mladim igračima, prošli su kompletnu edukaciju vezanu za ovaj program. Naravno, kako se bude povećavao broj kvalitenih igrača i godišta koja će učestovati u samom programu otvoriće se mogućnost za uključivanje drugih škola fudbala i fudbalskih trenera. Prija početka samog projekta bilo je razgovara i sa drugim školama fudbala, da se priključe ovom projektu, međutim oni svoj interes u ovom nisu pronašli, nažalost tu najviše trpe mladi igrači koji su u tim školama fudbala.
Šta je to što dobijaju učesnici projekta?
Već sam pomenuo, šta je to cilj ovog projekta. Zapravu se tu kriju i benefiti koje dobijaju odabrani učesnici ovog projekta i to potpuno besplatno. Nabrojaću još jednom, kvalitetan i stručan rad po programu koji se radi sprovodi u najboljim fudbalskim klubovima u Evropi, rad u grupi najtaletovanijih i najkvalitetnijih igrača iste uzrasne kategorije, odlasci na najbolje fudbalske kampove u Evropi, učestovanje na najkvalitetnijim takmičenjima u regionu i Evropi. Projekat je dugoročnog karaktera, trajanje projekta jedne uzrasne kategorije je do osam godina od predpionirske selekcije do seniorske selekcije, zato je možda najvažniji benefit upravo kompletno vođenje fudbalske karijere igrača.
Na koji način se vrši selektiranje igrača u projektu?
Pre svega svi koji žele da učestvuju u projektu mogu da se prijave na sledeći broj : 065336505 pozivom ili porukom putem vibera. Saradnici programa pa ni ja sam, ma koliko igrač bio talentovan i dobar, nećemo zvati ni jednog roditelja i vući ga za rukav da se prijavi ili učestvuje u projektu. Okupljanja se trenutno odvijaju jednom sedmično, treninzi su zatvorenog tipa za roditelje, pored stalnih saradnika i mentora programa koji prezentuju igračima treninge, tu su i spoljni saradnici koji povremeno prisustvuju treninzima. Naravno, treninzi se i snimaju i šalju našim spoljnim saradnicima, tako da se selektiranje igrača u samom projektu vrši saradnjom svih i u tome učestvuje preko deset trenera i fudbalskih stručnjaka, igrači se bodoju i samo najbolji će imati priliku za učestovanje u projektu. U koliko neki igrač ne zadovoljava potrebne kriterijume za ostanak u projektu, a ima želju da se ponovo priključi imaće priliku za šest ili dvanaest meseci, da se oproba ponovo na nekom od otvorenih treninga.
Da li učestovanje igrača iz drugih klubova ili škola fudbala u projektu utiče na njihov status u njihom klubu?
Kao što sam već spomenuo, svi su dobrodošli! Učestovanje igrača iz drugih klubova ili škola fudbala ne predstavlja problem na njihov status u njihovom klubu, jer nama nije cilj da te igrače „otimamo“ iz matičnih klubova. Cilj našeg projekta sam već predstavio, recite mi u čemu se to naši ciljevi kose sa ciljevima vlasnika drugih škola fudbala ili fudbalskih klubova, ako su njihovi ciljevi iskreni, naravno ne bi trebalo da bude da se kose. Svima treba da nam bude glavni cilj napredak igrača. Želim još jednom da napomenem da učestovanjem igrača u ovom projektu ne treba da utiče na njegov status u njihovom matičnom klubu. Na ovo se može gledati, kao i na kvalitetan dodatni rad uz odlaske na najkvalitetnije međunarodne turnire na koje realno gledajući mnogi od ovih igrača trenutno ne učestvuju sa svojim klubovima ili školama fudbala.
An interview with the director of Football Talent
programee Filipom Vujićem
Football Talent Academy programee has started with its work more then month ago, and we used firts oportunity to interview the director of the programee Filipa Vujića, in otrder to inform the potential members, about this program.
From the very begining there is a great interest about this project, and this interest increased even more after the team made a great result at the first Borac Cup, and also because the way team has played there, the behaviour of the team and the discipline.
Many people are familiar with your career, but could you please remind us one more time about your football path?
First of all, I want to greeet your readers and to thank you for this oportunity to present this Football Talent Academy Programe on your facebook page and web site. I started my football career in youths of FK Radnik, and when I turned 16, mde my debut for the senior squad, and when I turned 18, already became the captiain of team. After that I played for many clubs and scored goals, and here are some of them : Spartak Subotica, Lehija Gdansk, Jedinstvo and Sloboda Užice, Podrinje iz Janje, Radnički Šabac, and of course FK Radnik Bijeljina.
I entered the world of professional football as a very young boy, and when you enter this world without appropriate support and guidenes, it becomes a big struggle. Football has always been a pleasure for me and I enjoyed playing it, there are lot of coaches in this region, but what is missing here at our places, to be honest are true and honest football agents who will help young palyers in their venture of becoming a profesional football players. Perhaps, if I had support of an agent or an agency like this one, probably I would have made more in my career and would have played in top five leagues, the one can never know that. Simply my love for footbal has atracted me and left me in this world and of course my desire to help young playes in achieving their goals in football.
In this procect Football Talent Academy is supported by FB Sports Agency, SportsExellence and BEST OF YOU? We would like to know what is the mutual goal that made your collaboration in this project? What is the main goal of this project?
Yes in this Football Talent Academy project, there are, besides my agency, two more agencies from Germany and Spain. The main goal of this project is to provide these young players the best quality work with the best coaches and best players of their age in the region. Besides quality work, players who become part of this project will be provided with oportunity to participate in best competitions in Balcan and Europe, because that is one of the main preconditions for young player to improve their skills and become better.Of course we will provide the best players to participate in many football camps in Europe. In the ebd the main goal of this project is the complete management of a football career by FB Sports Agency.All problems that young players had so far, or their parents, will be solved by agency, so I am sure this procejct is something that is needed in this region.Besides coaches and mentors from Bosnia and Herzegovina, coaches and mentors from Spain and Germany will be included in this project. They are already doing this project for years in their countries with a great succes.
The project started working in Bijeljina, and you chose two football schools from Bijeljina, ŠF Nacional and ŠF United, as collaborators. Is the project closed to children from other football schools and are there current collaborators and permanent collaborators in the project?
The project is open and all young players from 2012 and 2013 from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Croatia are welcome. Of course, only the most talented will have the opportunity to participate in the project and use all the benefits. Believe me, the interest is great, people come every day from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, and even Croatia, wanting to get to know the project more closely, and also to bring their children to the program's open training sessions. Two football schools from Bijeljina, United and Nacional, and their coaches Borisa Bodiroga UEFA A licensed caoch, Dalibor Mičić, prof. of Physical Education and Dragan Krstanović UEFA B licensed coach, who, in addition to a lot of experience in working with young players, went through a complete education related to this program. Of course, as the number of quality players and age groups that will participate in the program increases, the possibility will open for the involvement of other football schools and football coaches. Before the start of the project itself, there were talks with other football schools to join this project, but they did not find their interest in this one, unfortunately this is where the young players who are in those football schools suffer the most.
What do the participants of the project get?
I have already mentioned, what is the goal of this project. This is actually where the benefits that the selected participants of this project get, completely free of charge, are hidden. I will list once again the high-quality and professional work according to the program implemented in the best football clubs in Europe, work in a group of the most talented and best players of the same age category, trips to the best football camps in Europe, participation in the best competitions in the region and Europe. The project is of a long-term nature, the duration of the project for one age category is up to eight years from the pre-pioneering selection to the senior selection, so perhaps the most important benefit is the complete management of the player's football career.
How are players selected in the project?
First of all, everyone who wants to participate in the project can apply to the following number: +38765336505 by calling or sending a message via viber. Associates of the program, including me, no matter how talented and good the player is, we will not call any parent and pull him by the sleeve to register or participate in the project. Gatherings currently take place once a week, trainings are closed to parents, in addition to the permanent associates and mentors of the program who present the training to the players, there are also external associates who occasionally attend the trainings. Of course, the training sessions are recorded and sent to our external collaborators, so the selection of players in the project itself is done with the cooperation of everyone and more than ten coaches and football experts participate in it, the players are evaulated and only the best will have the opportunity to participate in the project. If a player does not meet the necessary criteria for remaining in the project, and has the desire to join again, he will have the opportunity in six or twelve months to try out again at one of the open training sessions.
Does the participation of players from other clubs or football schools in the project affect their status in their club?
As I mentioned before, everyone is welcome! The participation of players from other clubs or football schools does not pose a problem to their status in their club, because our goal is not to "kidnap" these players from their home clubs. I have already presented the goal of our project, tell me how our goals conflict with the goals of the owners of other football schools or football clubs, if their goals are sincere, of course they should not be. All of us should have the player's progress as our main goal. I would like to emphasize once again that the player's participation in this project should not affect his status in his club. This can be looked at, as well as quality additional work with trips to the highest quality international tournaments in which many of these players are not currently participating with their football clubs or schools.